Understanding the Meaning of “Pipi Kiri Atas Kedutan” in Relaxed Indonesian Language

Have you ever heard someone say “pipi kiri atas kedutan”? For those who are not familiar with Indonesian culture and language, this may seem like a strange phrase. However, in Indonesia, this is a common belief that has been passed down for generations. In this blog post, we will explore the meaning of “pipi kiri atas kedutan” and its significance in Indonesian culture.

What is “Pipi Kiri Atas Kedutan”?

“Pipi kiri atas kedutan” literally translates to “left cheek twitching.” In Indonesian culture, it is believed that when your left cheek twitches, it is a sign that someone is talking about you behind your back. The superstition is so common that you will often hear Indonesians ask each other, “pipi kamu kiri atas kedutan ya?” or “is your left cheek twitching?” when they suspect that someone is talking about them.

The Significance of “Pipi Kiri Atas Kedutan”

The belief in “pipi kiri atas kedutan” is deeply rooted in Indonesian culture. It is believed that the left side of the body is connected to the spiritual world, while the right side is connected to the physical world. Therefore, when your left cheek twitches, it is believed that someone is talking about you in the spiritual realm.

The superstition is also tied to the concept of karma. In Indonesian culture, it is believed that if you talk about someone behind their back, you will receive bad karma. Therefore, when someone’s left cheek twitches, it is a warning that they should be careful about what they say and how they treat others.

The Different Interpretations of “Pipi Kiri Atas Kedutan”

While the belief in “pipi kiri atas kedutan” is widespread in Indonesia, there are different interpretations of what it means. Some people believe that if your left cheek twitches, it means that someone is talking about you in a negative way. Others believe that it means that someone is talking about you in a positive way.

There are also variations of the belief in different regions of Indonesia. For example, in Javanese culture, it is believed that if your left eyebrow twitches, it means that someone is talking about you behind your back. In Balinese culture, it is believed that if your right eye twitches, it means that you will receive good news.

The Scientific Explanation for “Pipi Kiri Atas Kedutan”

While the belief in “pipi kiri atas kedutan” is deeply ingrained in Indonesian culture, there is no scientific evidence to support it. Left cheek twitching is usually caused by stress, fatigue, or caffeine consumption. However, despite the lack of scientific evidence, the belief in “pipi kiri atas kedutan” remains strong in Indonesian culture.

Other Superstitions in Indonesian Culture

“Pipi kiri atas kedutan” is just one of many superstitions that are popular in Indonesian culture. Here are some other examples:

Superstition Meaning
Burung Hantu Seeing an owl is a bad omen.
Menangis di Pernikahan Crying at a wedding means that you will be the next to get married.
Bunyi Jangkrik Hearing the sound of crickets means that you will receive good news.


“Pipi kiri atas kedutan” is a popular superstition in Indonesian culture. While there is no scientific evidence to support it, the belief remains strong in Indonesian society. The superstition is tied to the concept of karma and serves as a warning to be careful about what you say and how you treat others. Understanding the meaning of “pipi kiri atas kedutan” is just one way to gain insight into Indonesian culture and society.

Related video of Understanding the Meaning of “Pipi Kiri Atas Kedutan” in Relaxed Indonesian Language